From the memorial - cousin Sonia 01/19/2008

FROM THE MEMORIAL: I first met Harvey when I was 10 years old and he was a handsome 26 year old. My mom and his mom were sisters. My parents, brother and I were fortunate that Harvey and his parents sacrificed to bring us to the U.S. from Cuba. I'll always be eternally grateful to them. I'm also grateful that our families have always been so close. My husband and I had a 75th birthday party for Harvey at our house this last July. Thirty members of our family attended. It was the greatest party I've ever had due to the warmth that everyone felt towards Harvey and each other. Harvey would always say, "I want to be awake at my wake," and I felt we granted him that wish. Everyone told of the memories they had of him and he listened happily. Harvey was always kind and caring to my parents, husband and me. He was always the eternal doctor checking everyone's blood pressure on all his visits and offering good advice. I will miss my dear cousin very much. My only consolation is that I have his fabulous daughters Dianna, Kari and their families to continue our family bond. I've always thought of Harvey as the Energizer Bunny and I just can not believe that the batteries have really run out.