Each time I read this forum, I begin to tear up and cry. This was a man who gave so much to the field of medicine a patients- he truly "CARED". Why would Purdue Pharma develop a medicine such as OxyContin? Because people need it who suffer from chronic, intractible pain. I am now a patient of Mayo Clinic but I had to sign a contract just to get pain medicine-oh believe me, I signed it right away fearing I would be denied medication. When I moved back to Minnesota, I had a great Physician a lot like Dr. Rose. He cared, he kept me on OxyContin to control the pain and kept me as a patient when I moved over two hundred miles away fearing Mayo Clinic would not do pain management. My father hates that I am on Oxy as I am obviously an emberresment to him. when I was in house at St. Mary's, he teamed up with a nurse there who would go to patients on Oxy and tell them it was ruining your life-never mind the disease or injury you have causing chronic pain. As I have said before, I lost a job because I was interviewed by a liberal newspaper in Chico, Ca., which wrote of my story and struggle with pain. When my boss read it, she fired me when I called into work one day sick. Jesus, what is wrong with people. No one, absolutely no one likes to be in pain, especially for an extended period of time, for me it has been more than 25 years bur as I said before, Dr. Rose saved my life and made it worth living. Dr. Rose was a kind, compassionate and caring human being and I mean it when I say I think he is still practicing medicine in Heaven and looking after he patients still alive and those who have passed. I loved Dr. Rose like a family member, almost like a father as mine is emberessed to talk about my use of Oxycontin legitimately. I recently saw my Uncle and "Step" aunt, the first thing she asked was "are you still on that OxyContin?" My Uncle stepped in and told her to basically shut up as it was my business. Jesus, what is wrong with some people? If I was not on OxyContin, people would see the pain "raw" and constantly ask if I was alright or what is wrong but when you say you are in pain, some look at you as if they could take it and you are just a wussy. I guarantee I can take A LOT OF PAIN but getting it under control is the way to a decent life. Doctors should be sued for malpractice for denying pain patients medication. Still kicking because pain is tolerable- I would not say under control but I would say just tolerable- thanks Mayo Clinic!-Thomas Grinnell- God Bless Dr. Harvey Rose